Supporting young people with learning disabilities

We work with young people in many different ways, helping them to believe in themselves and their abilities, build and maintain friendships, and become more creative and capable people in all aspects of their lives.

Our experience and expertise makes The Salvation Army well placed to run this centre. We have a long history of working with disadvantaged and excluded people. One such example is the highly regarded work supporting people with learning disabilities at places like our Hadleigh Training Centre and Rare Breeds Farm in Essex. We also run the George Steven Centre, in Kilbirnie, West Scotland. This provides a safe and secure environment for adults with learning disabilities to learn new skills and explore relationships within a structured programme focusing on hospitality, gardening, retail and domestic skills.

We have a proven ability to set up and run successful social enterprises alongside existing churches and community centres, and an excellent record of helping unemployed people find rewarding work through projects like Employment Plus. Within the city of Liverpool, we already have a track record of working with people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion in our Lifehouses. In all these projects we are helping people regain independence, take responsibility, make friends and reignite hope in their future.


“I truly believe this is a wonderful and important project.”

Peter Hooton, Chair of the Beatles Legacy Group